From Shadow to Sunlight: Reclaiming Your Inner Child from the Shadows of Narcissism PAPERBACK PRE-ORDER

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From Shadow to Sunlight: Reclaiming Your Inner Child from the Shadows of Narcissism PAPERBACK PRE-ORDER


In 2015, I faced what seemed like a mid-life crisis, even though I was only 26 at the time. With a one-year-old son, navigating a new environment, and embarking on a transformative career, life felt like a whirlwind up to that point. It became clear that I had been evading some deep-rooted issues and traumas that were starting to resurface.

The approach to healing I observed from those around me was focused on working harder, pursuing more education, or changing careers to escape the past. Exhausted by the emotional baggage that followed me from room to room, I realized I was not in a good place, and the weight of unresolved issues continued to accumulate. It was time to stop hiding behind the persona I had crafted. I recognized that the influences of my upbringing were dimming my light, both at home and in the world.

What unfolded was a profound journey of connecting with God directly, without any intermediaries. This spiritual path helped me confront the fears stemming from having an addicted father, a mother struggling to cope, distant siblings, and a tumultuous household.

Wearing childhood trauma as a badge of honor is something no one desires. The concealed pain can erode one's sense of self-worth and diminish self-esteem. If you resonate with these experiences, I invite you to explore my upcoming book, "From Shadow to Sunlight: Reclaiming Your Inner Child from the Shadows of Narcissism," set to be released at the end of May. In this book, I share deeply personal insights that I have never before revealed. You can pre-order the book on my website at

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